Qtilities | Namespace containing all the modules which forms part of the library set |
Core | Namespace containing all the classes which forms part of the Core Module |
Constants | Namespace containing constants used inside the Core Module |
Interfaces | Namespace containing available interfaces which forms part of the Core Module |
IAvailablePropertyProvider | Used by the AddDynamicPropertyWizard class to determine the available properties for a specific type of object |
IConstIterator | Abstract interface which defines standard operations for all const iterators in Qtilities |
IContext | Objects implementing this interface will have a context associated with them |
IContextManager | Interface used to communicate with the context manager |
IExportable | Objects can implement this interface if they are able to export and reconstruct themselves |
IExportableFormatting | This interface allows object base classes to export formatting information which requires QtGui from within a library which does not use QtGui |
IExportableObserver | Observers and observer subclasses must implement this extended version of Qtilities::Core::IExportable in order to support the extended exporting on observers |
IFactoryProvider | Objects managing instances of factories can implement this interface if they want to expose these factories to the object manager |
IIterator | Abstract interface which defines standard operations for all non-const iterators in Qtilities |
IModificationNotifier | Interface which allows objects to broadcast changes made to them |
IObjectBase | Interface through which QObjects implementing interfaces can be accessed |
IObjectManager | Interface used to communicate with the object manager, directly accessable through the OBJECT_MANAGER macro |
ITask | An interface through which you can communicate with a task. Qtilities::Core::Task is a ready to use implementation of this interface |
ITaskContainer | Generic interface which provides a way for objects to expose tasks that they can perform |
Properties | Namespace containing reserved observer properties used inside the Core Module |
AbstractSubjectFilter | Abstract interface for observer subject filters |
ActivityPolicyFilter | Implementation of AbstractSubjectFilter which allows control over activity of objects within the context of an Observer |
CategoryLevel | Information for a single category level |
ConstSubjectIterator | An non-const iterator which iterates throught the subjects of an Observer |
ContextManager | A class which represents a context manager |
Factory | A factory class which can produce class instances through registered factory interfaces |
FactoryInterface | Factory interface which is used by factories to create instances of registered class types |
FactoryItem | Factory item class which is used inside classes which can register themselves as items in factories |
FactoryItemID | A structure storing data related to a factory interface |
FileLocker | Simple mechanism to create and manage file locking using a .lck file with lock information |
FileSetInfo | Information about a set of files |
FileUtils | Commonly used file related functionality |
InstanceFactoryInfo | The InstanceFactoryInfo struct contains all the information required to create an object instance using the object manager. The InstanceFactoryInfo struct contains all the information required to create an instance through the Qtilities::Core::Interfaces::IFactoryProvider::createInstance() method |
MultiContextProperty | A MultiContextProperty provides a property which has different values in different contexts |
ObjectManager | The ObjectManager provides object management features to the developer |
Observer | The observer class is an extended implementation of an observer in the subject-observer pattern |
ObserverAwareBase | Everything that is needed to make an object aware of an observer |
ObserverData | Data which is shared by different references of the same observer |
ObserverDotWriter | Generate dot scripts to create dot graphs for an observer tree |
ObserverHints | Display hints for an Observer class |
ObserverMimeData | The ObserverMimeData stores information about subjects when Qtilities does drag and drops between ObserverWidget views |
ObserverRelationalTable | Data structure which stores relational data about an observer tree |
PointerList | Monitors the lifetime of objects attached to it |
PointerListDeleter | The PointerListDeleter is a base class from which PointerList inherits |
PropertyDiffInfo | Used to provide information of property differences between two objects |
PropertySpecification | The PropertySpecification structure is used to define an available property through the |
QtilitiesCategory | A QtilitiesCategory object represents a category in Qtilities |
QtilitiesCoreApplication | Same as QCoreApplication with added functionality |
QtilitiesFileInfo | QtilitiesFileInfo is a class which extends QFileInfo with additional functionality |
QtilitiesProcess | An easy to use way to launch external processes through an extended wrapper around QProcess |
QtilitiesProperty | The base class of all the different Qtilities property types |
QtilitiesPropertyChangeEvent | The QtilitiesPropertyChangeEvent is an event which is posted to objects to notify them about property changes |
RelationalTableEntry | Single entry in an observer relational table |
RelationalTableEntryData | The RelationalTableEntryData stores private data used by the RelationalTableEntry class |
SharedProperty | A SharedProperty is a basic implementation of QtilitiesProperty |
SubjectFilterTemplate | A template subject filter |
SubjectIterator | An non-const iterator which iterates throught the subjects of an Observer |
SubjectTypeFilter | A subject filter which only allows attachement of specific object types |
SubjectTypeInfo | The SubjectTypeInfo structure is used to define subject types |
Task | Ready to use implementation of the Qtilities::Core::Interfaces::ITask interface |
TaskManager | A class which represents a task manager |
TreeIterator | An iterator which iterates through an Observer tree (thus also Qtilities::CoreGui::TreeNode) |
VersionInformation | VersionInformation provides version information about a specific instance, for example a plugin |
VersionNumber | VersionNumber represents a single version number |
CoreGui | Namespace containing all the classes which forms part of the CoreGui Module |
Actions | Namespace containing available actions which forms part of the CoreGui Module |
Constants | Namespace containing constants used inside the CoreGui Module |
Icons | Namespace containing available icons which forms part of the CoreGui Module |
Images | Namespace containing available images which forms part of the CoreGui Module |
Interfaces | Namespace containing available interfaces which forms part of the CoreGui Module |
IActionManager | Interface used to communicate with the action manager |
IActionProvider | An interface through which objects can provide actions to other objects |
IClipboard | Interface used to communicate with the clipboard manager |
IConfigPage | An interface through which widgets can be added to the ConfigurationWidget class |
IGroupedConfigPageInfoProvider | An interface through which information for groped config pages can be provided |
IMode | Used by the ModeManager to communicate with child modes |
INamingPolicyDialog | NamingPolicyFilter classes uses implementations of this interface in order to prompt users for actions during naming conflicts |
ISideViewerWidget | Used by the DynamicSideViewerWidget to communicate with child widgets |
AbstractObserverItemModel | The AbstractObserverItemModel is an abstract base class which is used by all the different observer models in the Qtilities library |
AbstractObserverItemModelData | Structure used by AbstractObserverItemModel to store private data |
AbstractTreeItem | The AbstractTreeItem is an abstract base class which can be used to build tree items |
ActionContainer | A class which represents an action container |
ActionManager | A class which represents an action manager |
ActionProvider | A ready to use implementation of the IActionProvider interface |
AddDynamicPropertyWizard | Handles addition of dynamic properties on an object |
ClipboardManager | Information to keep track of copy/paste operations in the application's internal clipboard |
CodeEditor | A simple code editor embedded in the CodeEditorWidget class |
CodeEditorWidget | A code editor widget which contains a CodeEditor |
CodeEditorWidgetConfig | A config page for text editors |
Command | A class which represents a command |
CommandEditor | A widget which allows the user to edit command shortcuts for actions registered in the action manager class |
ConfigurationWidget | Configuration widget which displays config pages from widgets implementing the Qtilities::CoreGui::Interfaces::IConfigPage interface |
DynamicSideWidgetViewer | The widget which can display dynamic side widgets (widgets implementing the ISideViewerWidget interface) |
DynamicSideWidgetWrapper | A wrapper for side viewer widgets |
GroupedConfigPage | A config page which groups other IConfigPage pages using tabs |
GroupedConfigPageData | The GroupedConfigPageData struct stores private data in GroupedConfigPage |
HelpManager | A help manager which provides functionality to help developers integrate the Qt Help System into their applications |
LoggerConfigWidget | Widget allowing the user to control the logger through a visual interface |
LoggerGui | A class providing static member functions to acccess and create GUIs related to the Qtilities Logging library |
MenuBarContainer | A class which represents an implementation of ActionContainer in the form of a menubar |
MenuContainer | A class which represents an implementation of ActionContainer in the form of a menu |
ModeManager | The ModeManager allows management of application modes |
NamingPolicyDelegate | Ready-to-use delegate to edit the names of subjects attached to an observer |
NamingPolicyDelegateData | Stores data needed by the NamingPolicyDelegate class |
NamingPolicyFilter | Implementation of AbstractSubjectFilter which allows control over naming of objects within the context of an Observer |
NamingPolicyFilterData | A structure storing protected data in the NamingPolicyFilter class |
NamingPolicyInputDialog | Dialog which allows the user to select how to resolve a naming conflict |
ObjectDynamicPropertyBrowser | Interface to the Qt Property Editor solution |
ObjectHierarchyNavigator | Indication of where you are in an observer-subject hierarchy |
ObjectPropertyBrowser | Interface to the Qt Property Editor solution |
ObjectScopeWidget | Details about the contexts to which an object is attached to |
ObserverTableModel | Ready-to-use model that can be used to show the contents of an Qtilities::Core::Observer in a QTableView |
ObserverTableModelData | Structure used by ObserverTableModel to store private data |
ObserverTableModelProxyFilter | Implementation of a QSortFilterProxyModel which is used for advanced filtering in ObserverTreeModel |
ObserverTreeItem | Single observer item in a tree view |
ObserverTreeModel | Ready-to-use model that can be used to show the children of an Qtilities::Core::Observer in a QTreeView |
ObserverTreeModelBuilder | The ObserverTreeModelBuilder builds models for ObserverTreeModel in a different thread |
ObserverTreeModelData | Structure used by ObserverTreeModel to store private data |
ObserverTreeModelProxyFilter | Implementation of a QSortFilterProxyModel which is used for advanced filtering in ObserverTreeModel |
ObserverWidget | Ready-to-use widget to display information about a specific observer context |
ObserverWidgetData | A structure used by ObserverWidget classes to store data |
ProxyAction | A class which represents a proxy action which triggers different actions for different contexts |
QtilitiesApplication | Same as QApplication with added functionality |
QtilitiesMainWindow | A class which can be used as a frontend of applications using the Qtilities libraries |
SearchBoxWidget | Ready to use search/replace widget |
ShortcutCommand | A class which represents a shortcut which is enabled depending on the active context(s) |
SideViewerWidgetFactory | Intended to act as a factory for side viewer widgets |
SideWidgetFileSystem | A widget which provides access to the file system as a side widget |
SingleTaskWidget | A widget provides an overview of a single task |
StringListWidget | A widget which allows easy editing of a QStringList |
TaskManagerGui | A class providing static member functions to acccess and create GUIs related to task management |
TaskSummaryWidget | A widget which provides a summary of all registered global tasks |
TreeFileItem | Item in a tree which can be used to easily represent files |
TreeItem | Item in a tree. It can be attached to a TreeNode |
TreeItemBase | Base class for all tree items, that is items which can be attached to TreeNode instances |
TreeNode | Node in a tree which can have items attached to it and can also be attached to other nodes |
WidgetLoggerEngine | A logger engine which shows logged messages in a widget with a QPlainTextEdit widget |
WidgetLoggerEngineFrontend | The visual frontend of a widget logger engine |
Examples | Namespace containing all the Qtilities examples |
Clipboard | Namespace containing all the classes which forms part of the Clipboard Example |
ExtendedObserverTableModel | Example of how Qtilities::CoreGui::ObserverTableModel can be subclassed |
ExtendedObserverTreeModel | Example of how Qtilities::CoreGui::ObserverTableModel can be subclassed |
ObserverWidgetConfig | Used in the Clipboard Example to demonstrate the settings update request capability of QtilitiesApplication |
ExportingExample | Namespace containing all the classes which forms part of the Exporting Example |
VersionDetails | Example implementation of Qtilities::Core::Interfaces::IExportable |
MainWindow | Namespace containing all the classes which forms part of the Main Window Example |
ExampleMode | An example mode widget which demonstrates the dynamic side widget architecture |
ObjectManagement | Namespace containing all the classes which forms part of the Object Management Example |
ObjectManagementMode | A mode which allows you to manage the objects in an observer |
ObjectManagementModeWidget | Mode widget which allows management of an Observer class instance using the ObserverWidget class |
ObjectManagementModeWidgetData | The ObjectManagementModeWidgetData struct stores private data used by the ObjectManagementModeWidget class |
ObserverWidgetExample | |
AvailablePropertyProvider | An example implementation of Qtilities::CoreGui::Interfaces::IAvailablePropertyProvider |
ExampleObject | An example object used to demonstrate automatic default property creation using ObjectManager::constructDefaultPropertiesOnObject() |
TasksExample | Namespace containing all the classes which forms part of the Tasks Example |
ExampleMode | An example mode which allows the user to create tasks |
ExtensionSystem | Namespace containing all the classes which forms part of the ExtensionSystem Module |
Constants | Namespace containing constants used inside the ExtensionSystem Module |
Interfaces | Namespace containing available interfaces which forms part of the ExtensionSystem Module |
IPlugin | Interface used to communicate with plugins |
ExtensionSystemConfig | Ready to use configuration widget for the extension system |
ExtensionSystemCore | Core of the Qtilities extension system library |
PluginInfoWidget | A widget that shows information about a plugin |
PluginTreeModel | Extension of ObserverTreeModel used to display plugin information |
Logging | Namespace containing all the classes which forms part of the Logging Module |
Constants | Namespace containing constants used inside the Logging Module |
Interfaces | Namespace containing available interfaces which forms part of the Logging Module |
ILoggerExportable | Logger engines can implement this interface if they are able to export and reconstruct themselves |
AbstractFormattingEngine | The base class of all formatting engines |
AbstractLoggerEngine | The base class of all logger engines |
AbstractLoggerEngineData | Structure used by an AbstractLoggerEngine to store it's data |
ConsoleLoggerEngine | A logger engine which pipes messages to a console using the stdio.h fprintf function |
CustomFormattingHint | The CustomFormattingHint structure is used to define custom formatting hints for logger formatting engines |
FileLoggerEngine | |
FormattingEngine_Default | Default formatting engine which basically parses the QVariant messages into a single QString message |
FormattingEngine_HTML | HTML Formatting Engine |
FormattingEngine_QtMsgEngineFormat | A formatting engine used to format messages for the QtMsgLoggerEngine |
FormattingEngine_Rich_Text | Rich Text Formatting Engine |
FormattingEngine_XML | XML Formatting Engine |
Logger | Thread safe logging functionality to any Qt application |
QtMsgLoggerEngine | A logger engine which pipes messages to the Qt Messaging System as debug messages |
Plugins | Namespace containing all available plugins |
Debug | Namespace containing all classes which is part of the debug plugin |
Constants | Namespace containing constants defined in the debug plugin |
DebugPlugin | A debug plugin which helps to debug Qtilities applications |
Help | Namespace containing all classes related to the Help Plugin |
Constants | Namespace containing all constants related to the Help Plugin |
Browser | A very simple browser wrapper around QWebView used to display help pages |
BrowserData | The BrowserData struct stores private data used by the Browser class |
ContentWidgetFactory | Makes a QHelpContentWidget widget for the HELP_MANAGER available as a side viewer widget |
HelpMode | An implementation of Qtilities::CoreGui::Interfaces::IMode which make a GUI frontend for the HELP_MANAGER available as a mode in an application |
HelpModeData | Stores private data used by the HelpMode class |
HelpPlugin | A help plugin for a Qtilities application |
HelpPluginConfig | Ready to use configuration widget for the help plugin |
HelpPluginData | The HelpPluginData struct stores private data used by the HelpPlugin class |
IndexWidgetFactory | Makes a QHelpIndexWidget widget for the HELP_MANAGER available as a side viewer widget |
SearchWidgetFactory | Makes a QHelpSearchQueryWidget and QHelpSearchResultsWidget available for the HELP_MANAGER available as a side viewer widget |
ProjectManagement | Namespace containing all classes which is part of the ProjectManagement plugin |
Constants | Namespace containing constants defined in the ProjectManagement plugin |
ProjectManagementPlugin | A plugin which adds project management capabilities to the application |
SessionLog | Namespace containing all classes which is part of the SessionLogPlugin |
Constants | Namespace containing constants defined in the SessionLogPlugin |
SessionLogMode | The session log mode is used to display output from the Qtilities Logging module as a mode in the Qtilities::CoreGui::QtilitiesMainWindow |
SessionLogPlugin | A plugin which provides a session log mode to the application |
Template | Namespace containing all classes which is part of the Template plugin |
Constants | Namespace containing constants defined in the Template plugin |
PluginTemplate | A template which can is a starting point to creating plugins to be used with the Qtilities extension system |
ProjectManagement | Namespace containing all the classes which forms part of the ProjectManagement Module |
Constants | Namespace containing constants used inside the ProjectManagement Module |
Interfaces | Namespace containing available interfaces which forms part of the ProjectManagement Module |
IProject | Interface through which the project manager communicates with projects |
IProjectItem | Interface through which objects can be exposed as project parts |
CodeEditorProjectItemWrapper | This class wraps Qtilities::CoreGui::CodeEditorWidget as a project item |
ObserverProjectItemWrapper | This class wraps Qtilities::Core::Observer as a project item |
Project | Ready to use implementation of the IProject plugin |
ProjectManagementConfig | Ready to use configuration widget for the project manager |
ProjectManager | The ProjectManager class |
ProjectsBrowser | Ready to use widget which allows browsing of projects |
Testing | Namespace containing all the classes which forms part of the Testing Module |
Interfaces | |
ITestable | Objects implementing this interface indicate that unit tests can be performed on them |
BenchmarkTests | Contains some bencmarking code to benchmark parts of Qtilities |
DebugWidget | A widget providing debug information about a Qtilities application |
TestAbstractTreeItem | Allows testing of Qtilities::Core::AbstractTreeItem |
TestActivityPolicyFilter | Allows testing of Qtilities::Core::ActivityPolicyFilter |
TestExporting | Allows testing of the exporting capabilities of Qtilities classes |
TestFileSetInfo | Allows testing of Qtilities::Core::FileSetInfo |
TestFrontend | The test front-end for unit tests implementing Qtilities::Testing::Interfaces::ITestable |
TestNamingPolicyFilter | Allows testing of Qtilities::CoreGui::NamingPolicyFilter |
TestObjectManager | Allows testing of Qtilities::Core::ObjectManager |
TestObserver | Allows testing of Qtilities::Core::Observer |
TestObserverRelationalTable | Allows testing of Qtilities::Core::ObserverRelationalTable |
TestSubjectIterator | Allows testing of Qtilities::Core::SubjectIterator |
TestSubjectTypeFilter | Allows testing of Qtilities::Core::SubjectTypeFilter |
TestTask | Allows testing of Qtilities::Core::Task |
TestTreeFileItem | Allows testing of Qtilities::CoreGui::TreeFileItem |
TestTreeIterator | Allows testing of Qtilities::Core::TreeIterator |
TestVersionNumber | Allows testing of Qtilities::Core::VersionNumber |
QtilitiesCore | |
QtilitiesCoreGui | |
QtilitiesExtensionSystem | |
QtilitiesLogging | |
QtilitiesProjectManagement | |
QtilitiesTesting | Namespace which encapsulates all namespaces and sub namespaces for the Unit Tests module |
Ui | |
WidgetLoggerEngineFrontendTab | A QPlainTextEdit messages tab used in WidgetLoggerEngineFrontend |
Qtilities : Reference Documentation | Back to top |
Copyright © 2009-2013, Jaco Naudé